
Biophysics equipment

Biophysical characterisation of proteins and protein macro-assembly

PIC: Human Rezaei and Davy Martin

The biophysics platform provides an array of techniques to study physico-chemical properties of biological macromolecules and their macro-assembly.

The techniques used for protein characterization are:

- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR, ATR and Transmission) and Circular Dichroism (CD)

- various light diffusion techniques: Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and Multi-Wave Length Static/Dynamic Light Scattering (MWSDLS),

- T-Jump coupled with size exclusion chromatography, for protein interaction and complexation studies

- Differential Scanning Calorimeter (VP-DSC) for folding studies


Circular Dichroism -  Jasco J-810

Static and Multi-Wavelength Light Scattering

DLS MalveOrn - Zetasizer Nano for Protein Characterization

Nicolet MAGNA-IR Spectrometer 850

We also develop new instruments and tools:

- in mathematics (ODE and PDE -ordinary and partial differential equation- studies) for multidimensional kinetics analysis and search of singularities occuring during polymerization. Our approach differs from the standard nucleation/polymerization approach (i.e. at equilibrium).

- in irreversible processes physico-chemistry such as the adaptation of Lummry-Eyring theory for thermodynamic studies of irreversible processes by calorimetry

- in surface functionalization to develop new surfaces for protein functional immobilization or to mimic a biological environment

- laminar flow cell for biological molecules adsorption kinetics studies andH/D exchange in FTIR-ATR spectroscopy


See also

Circular dichroism online booking

Lyophilisation online booking

Microcalorimetry online booking