Seminars 2013/2014

Seminars 2013/2014

Seminars on Thursdays 11am-12am

Unit seminars are held in Room 800, and Institute seminars are held in the Lecture Hall of J.Poly building (440).

 2 talks (each 20min + 5-10min questions) on current research performed within the VIM Unit by students (Master, PhD), post-doctoral fellows, and scientific staff.

Seminars 2013/2014




Barbara Klupp
(FLI, Allemagne)
Hosted by E.Giuffra

On the way out – Herpesvirus assembly and egress

Morgane Bomsel
(Institut Cochin, Paris)
Hosted by I. Schwartz

Mucosal protection against HIV-1: From natural protection to protective vaccine design

3 October

Fernando Simabuco
(Univ. Campinas, Brésil)
Hosted by J-F. Eléouët

Expression of Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus N and P proteins: functional and immunization studies

10 October

Nathalie Winter
(Inra, Tours)
Hosted by A. Vidy

Regulatory function of neutrophils and other granulocytes in mycobacterial infections

21 November

Céline Henry / Didier Chevret
(PAPPSO, Inra)
Hosted by R.Le Goffic

Complex samples analysis and post-translational modifications studies in proteomics

28 Novembre

Cédric Neveu
(Inra, Tours)
Hosted by S. Biacchesi

Characterisation of cholinergic receptors in parasitic nematodes: a tale of vampires, worms and frogs

19 December

Angella Nzonza

Viva rehearsal

Julien Sourimant
Charles-Adrien Richard

Everything you always wanted to know about RSV...but were afraid to ask

16 January

Sabine Riffault
and Bernard Delmas


23 January

AERES Evaluation

30 January

Mariette Ducatez
(ENVT, Toulouse)
Hosted by B. Delmas

From surveillance to physiopathobiology of H5N1 and H1N1 influenza viruses

13 February

Fabienne Archer
Hosted by S. Riffault

Jaagsiekte Sheep Retrovirus (JSRV): from virus to lung cancer in sheep

Journées Francophones de Virologie

Institut Pasteur - Paris

20 March

Paulo Tavares
(VMS, CNRS, Gif/Yvette)
Hosted by C. Langevin

Infection of a Gram-positive bacterium by a virus of the tailed bacteriophages-herpesviruses lineage: molecular and cellular mechanisms

27 March

Roland Marquet
(Architecture et Réactivité de l'ARN, Univ. Strasbourg)
Hosted by B. Delmas

Packaging and genomic reassortment of the influenza A virus RNA segments: role of RNA/RNA interactions

Delphyne Descamps

Role of Toll-like receptors 5 and 7 in infectious pulmonary diseases

10 April

Jesus Hernandez
(Hermosillo, Mexico)
Hosted by I.Schwartz

Swine dendritic cells: from bench to bedside

15 May

Anastassia Komarova
(Institut Pasteur, Paris)
Hosted by J-F. Eléouët

New high-throughput approaches to study protein-protein and RNA-protein interactions in infected cells

22 May

Karim Benihoud
(CNRS UMR 8203, Villejuif)
Hosted by D. Descamps & R. Le Goffic

Adenovirus vectors: control of hepatic tropism and use for vaccination

Rehearsal for M2 students

12 June

Fabrice Laurent
(ISP Unit, Inra, Tours)
Hosted by S. Riffault

CD103+ dendritic cells protect gut epithelium against parasitic infection during neonate stage

19 June

Danica Ciric

Shadoo protein as a partner in the PrP conversion process

26 June

Loredana Saveanu
(Necker Hospital, Paris)
Hosted by D. Descamps & S. Riffault

The role of IRAP storage endosomes in dendritic cell biology