Quantitative PCR

Quantitative PCR

Quantitative PCR (QPCR, or real time PCR) is a technique used to quantify genes expression level in biological samples (cell, tissue...).


The Eppendorf Realplex2 is a compact instrument for real time PCR, and enables real-time follow-up of gene DNA amplification through detection of fluorochromes incorporated during the amplification step. The RealPlex2 is equipped with 96 LEDs (excitation 410 nm) and two filters that enable fluorescence monitoring at 520 and 550nm, making it compatible with the most widely used reporting dyes (SYBR Green I, FAM, JOE & VIC).



Using 96-well microplates, the Realplex2 can analyze in a single run multiple genes expression in various samples (tissue, cells…) and enables the precise comparison between their expression levels. Realplex 2 can perform quantitative PCRs with nucleic acid stains (SYBRGreen) or probes (TaqMan,…), as well as multiplex PCRs with 2 different fluorochromes (simultaneous amplification of 2 genes within one sample, followed by incorporation of two fluorescent probes detected by Realplex2 520 nm or 550 nm emission filters).


Laboratory 228
Fish Infection & Immunity Research group
Molecular Virology and Immunology Unit
INRAE Jouy en Josas


Available upon booking (see online booking).
Fish Infection & Immunity research group has a priority access for this equipment.


Fish Infection & Immunity research group
UR 892 INRAE Virologie et Immunologie Moléculaires
78350 Jouy-en-Josas