Seminars 2018/2019

Seminars 2018/2019

Seminars on Thursdays 11am-12am.

Planning seminars 2017/2018




September 27

Claudia Bevilacqua, @BRIDGE - GABI, invited by I. Schwartz


Les solutions offertes par la plateforme @BRIDGe pour l’analyse génomique et microgénomique

November 15 (AMPHI)

Gilles Foucras (ENVT) invited by I. Schwartz

Genetic control of inflammation in dairy ruminants: what have we learned?

November 16

Christine Pinard (IRSN (Institut de Radioprotection et Sureté Nucléaire)) Fontenay aux Roses invited by I. Schwartz

Titre provisoire : Immunomodulation induite par les cellules souches mésenchymateuses dans différents modèles animaux

November 22


November 29

Olivier Sperandio (Institut Pasteur) invited by M. Galloux

In silico contributions to the design of drugs targeting Protein-Protein Interactions

December 6


December 13

December 20


January 10

Marc Dalod, CIML, Marseille. invited by I. Schwartz

Investigating the identity and functions of dendritic cell types across tissues and species

January 17

January 24

February 7

February 14

February 21

March 14

Cyril Favard, invited by C. Langevin

March 21

April 4

April 11

April 18

May 9

May 16
May 23

Simon Graham (The Pirbright Institute), invited by I. Schwartz

Modification date: 25 June 2019 | Publication date: 06 July 2018 | By: EC