Presentation of the unit

Presentation of the unit

Molecular Immunology and Virology is a research unit (INRAE / UVSQ) based on the INRAE Île-de-France – Jouy-en-Josas – Antony campus.

Scientific topics

We study pathogens that are important for animal and human health and responses induced by these pathogens in their hosts :

• Respiratory viruses (Influenza, human and bovine respiratory syncytial viruses, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, coronavirus Sars-Cov-2),
• Fish pathogenic viruses and bacteria,
• Prions.

Seven research teams work on these subjects, with complementary expertise on pathogenic agents and host response.

Scientific questions

We seek to understand and describe the replication and multiplication strategies of the pathogenic agents and the host response to infection in pigs, ruminants, trout and model species (rodents, zebra fish):
• Structure and expression of the genomes of pathogens
• Structure-function relationships of viral proteins, prions and their macro-molecular complexes
• Virulence/pathogenicity factors and adaptation/escape mechanisms to host response
• Plasticity of host response during evolution and development
• Strategies for control of pathogens.

Socio-economic challenges

• Vaccination and therapeutic approaches
• Diagnostic tools of infectious diseases in man and animals
• Development of animal models for human and veterinary diseases (one health approach with pig, mice and zebra fish models)

Bandeau présentation unité

Director: Human Rezaei 
Deputy Directors: Marie Galloux and Eric Duchaud

UMR 0892 VIM « Virologie et Immunologie Moléculaires »
Centre de Recherche Île-de-France – Jouy-en-Josas – Antony
F-78352 Jouy-en-Josas cedex


VIM is a founding member of the Institute for Animal Sciences Paris-Saclay (SAPS). SAPS is a multidisciplinary research collective dedicated to animal biology, livestock breeding and health.